Basic Reference


class geraldo.base.Report

Path: geraldo.Report

This is the report main class. Every report must inherit or be an instance of this class. It supports some bands and report definitions.

You can also override some methods to customize some things.

Data source

  • queryset - Default: None
  • print_if_empty - Default: False

Report properties

  • title - Default: ‘’;

  • author - Default: ‘’;

  • subject - Default: ‘’; (you can use it as the report description)

  • keywords - Default: ‘’;

  • additional_fonts - Default: {}

    New on 0.4. This is a dictionary where keys have to be the font name and the value have to be the font file path (full path) to support additional true-type fonts inside the PDF. Once you do it, you can use the fone name used on styles as you do with any other default font.

Report page dimensions

  • first_page_number - Default: 1
  • page_size - Default: A4
  • margin_top - Default: 1*cm
  • margin_bottom - Default: 1*cm
  • margin_left - Default: 1*cm
  • margin_right - Default: 1*cm

Report bands

A report band must be a class inherited from ReportBand or an instance of ReportBand or a class inherited from ReportBand

  • band_begin - Default: None
  • band_summary - Default: None
  • band_page_header - Default: None
  • band_page_footer - Default: None
  • band_detail - Default: None

Report composition

  • groups - Default: None
  • subreports - Default: []

Look & feel

  • default_font_color - Default: black
  • default_stroke_color - Default: black
  • default_fill_color - Default: black
  • default_style - Default: None

Events system

  • before_print - Default: None

    Is called by do_before_print method, before render the report. Expect arguments report and generator.

  • before_generate - Default: None

    Is called by do_before_generate method, after render report and before to generate the output files. Expect arguments report and generator.

  • after_print - Default: None

    Is called by do_after_print method, after generate output files of the report. Expect arguments report and generator.

  • on_new_page - Default: None

    Is called by do_on_new_page method, when appending new pages when rendering bands. Expect arguments report, page, page_number and generator.

    Important: if you are setting events as methods, you must name them as “do_” plus event name (i.e. do_before_print). Otherwise, if you are setting them as attributes (setting when creating objects or setting them dinamically) you must name them without “do_”, just their names (i.e. before_print).

Caching related attributes and methods

Take a look on cache documentation to see better explanations.

The attributes cache_status, cache_backend and cache_file_root all have a ‘real’ default None, but they assume values defined on their respective general settings on cache.

  • cache_status - Default: geraldo.cache.CACHE_DISABLED

    Can be setted to 3 different values:

    • geraldo.cache.CACHE_DISABLED
    • geraldo.cache.CACHE_BY_QUERYSET
    • geraldo.cache.CACHE_BY_RENDER
  • cache_backend - Default: ‘geraldo.cache.FileCacheBacked’

    A string path to class used to set/get reports to cache.

  • cache_prefix - Default: report class module + report class name

    Set the prefix for hash key used to identify generated reports from this class.

  • cache_file_root - Default: ‘/tmp/’

    The directory path where cached files are stored.

  • get_cache_relevant_attributes()

    If you want to set manually what attributes you want to make relevante on cache hash key generation, declare this method to returns a list of the attributes names.


  • format_date(date, expression)

  • get_objects_list()

  • generate_by(generator_class, *args, **kwargs)

    This is the method used to generate a report to file. Report object is just an abstraction of how report must be like. When generating it to a real file, with real list of objects, you must generate using an generator - a classe from geraldo.generators package.


    >>> report = MyReport(queryset=['Rio','London','Beijing'])
    >>> from geraldo.generators import PDFGenerator
    >>> report.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename='test.pdf')
  • generate_under_process_by(generator_class, *args, **kwargs)

    Do the same generate_by doest, but uses multiprocessing Process instance to run it. This means it will use a new process to generate the file(s) and will use better the available resources of multi-core servers. In most of cases, also helps to avoid memory consumming.

    But there are servers configured with WSGI with no support to I/O when under separated process and this won’t work properly.

    As all of us know, Python processing is by far a better way to work than threading, so, this helps to solve it.

  • find_by_name(name, many=False)

    Find an object with given name in the children (and children of children and so on).

    If you set many to True, if many objects with name are found, all of them are returned, instead, an exception geraldo.exceptions.ManyObjectsFound is raised. The same is valid when none are found, but the exception geraldo.exceptions.ObjectNotFound is raised.

  • find_by_type(typ)

    Find a list of objects that are instance of class given. As same as find_by_name, children of children and so on are found too.


class geraldo.base.SubReport

Path: geraldo.SubReport

Class to be used for subreport objects. It doesn’t need to be inherited.


  • queryset_string - must be a string to create a Python-compatible queryset.


    • ‘%(object)s.user_permissions.all()’
    • ‘%(object)s.groups.all()’
    • ‘Message.objects.filter(user=%(object)s)’
    • ‘Message.objects.filter(user__id=%(object)’
  • visible - Default: True

    Set to False if you want to make it not visible.

Report bands

A report band must be a class inherited from ReportBand or an instance of ReportBand or a class inherited from ReportBand

  • name - Default: None
  • band_detail - Default: None
  • band_header - Default: None
  • band_footer - Default: None


  • format_date(date, expression)
  • get_objects_list()


class geraldo.base.ReportBand

Path: geraldo.ReportBand

A band is a horizontal area in the report. It can be used to print things on the top, on summary, on page header, on page footer or one time per object from queryset.


  • name - Default: None

  • height - Default: 1*cm

  • width - Default: None

  • visible - Default: True

    Set to False if you want to make it not visible.

  • borders - Default: {‘top’: None, ‘right’: None, ‘bottom’: None, ‘left’: None, ‘all’: None}

    Borders values can be of three types:

    • Boolean (True/False) - just set if there is a border or not
    • Integer - set there is a border and what is its stroke width. New on 0.4.
    • Graphic (instance of Rect, Line, RoundRect, etc.) - set a complex graphic to put along the border
  • elements - Default: []

  • child_bands - Default: []

  • force_new_page - Default: False

  • default_style - Default: None

  • margin_top - Default: 0

  • margin_bottom - Default: 0

  • auto_expanded_height - Default: False

    Use ‘auto_expanded_height’ to make flexible bands to fit their heights to their elements.


class geraldo.base.DetailBand

Path: geraldo.DetailBand

An extension of ReportBand. The only difference is that this class supports more attributes, specific to detail bands.


  • name - Default: None

  • margin_left - Default: 0

  • margin_right - Default: 0

  • display_inline - Default: False

    When you use display_inline with True value and width with a valid value, the generator will try to align the detail band instances in the same way that HTML does with inline displaying of left floating elements: it will keep each detail band to the right of the last one if there is width available.

    This is useful for label reports.


class geraldo.base.ReportGroup

Path: geraldo.ReportGroup

This a report grouper class. A report can be grouped to multiple levels by attribute values.


  • name - Default: None
  • attribute_name - Default: None

Report bands

A report band must be a class inherited from ReportBand or an instance of ReportBand or a class inherited from ReportBand

  • band_header - Default: None
  • band_footer - Default: None


class geraldo.base.ManyElements

Path: geraldo.ManyElements

New on 0.4.

This class is a factory that makes many elements using pre-defined arguments. It is useful to make Cross-Reference Tables, because this is the situation when you almost never know how many columns you ned.


  • element_class - Default: None

    The element class you are going to used to create the instances. i.e: Label, ObjectValue, etc.

  • count - Default: None

    How many elements do you want to create?

  • start_left - Default: 0

    The left value for the forst element (because it will be incremented with width values for each one.

  • start_top - Default: 0

    The same of ‘start_left’, but for top/height relation;

  • visible - Default: None

    Make the ManyElements not visible and their elements will be also.

The attributes above are just for the class control to make the elements.

But this class supports other attributes, that will be passed to elements it will create. These attributes must be passed when initializing the class, as common arguments like everyone else. Example: you can use ManyElements like below:

>>> ATTRIBUTES_LIST = ('date_start', 'date_end', 'salary', 'hours')
>>> band_elements = [
...     ObjectValue(attribute_name='job'),
...     ManyElements(element_class=ObjectValue, count=4, start_left=3*cm,
...         width=1*cm, attribute_name=ATTRIBUTES_LIST),
... ]

As you can see, there are 3 special attributes (element_class, count and start_left), there is also a simple value for ‘width’ attribute, and ‘attribute_name’ receives a list.

ManyElements is smart enough to know that the attribute had a simple value or a list and use the list in the same sequence of creation (if the list is shorter, the latest item will be used), otherwise that value will be copied to all the created elements.

The attribute ‘left’ will be increased, starting from ‘start_left’ plus ‘width’ for each column.

Result: when rendering, Geraldo will create 4 new elements from the factory.


  • get_elements(cross_cols=None)

    This is the method that creates the elements and returns them.