Inline SubReportsΒΆ

Inline SubReports can be used to show little boxes in a master/detail report. There are other needs where it can be useful.

This is just the same SubReport test, but with subreport detail band changed to be inline:

import os
cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
from reportlab.lib.units import cm
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER, TA_RIGHT
from reportlab.lib.colors import navy, red

from geraldo import Report, ReportBand, Label, ObjectValue, SystemField,\

class MasterReport(Report):
    title = 'Subreports demonstration'

    class band_summary(ReportBand):
        height = 0.8*cm
        elements = [
            Label(text="Users count:", top=0.1*cm, left=0),
            ObjectValue(attribute_name='id', top=0.1*cm, left=4*cm,\
                action=FIELD_ACTION_COUNT, display_format='%s users found'),
        borders = {'top': Line(stroke_color=red, stroke_width=3)}

    class band_page_header(ReportBand):
        height = 0.8*cm
        elements = [
            SystemField(expression='%(report_title)s', top=0.1*cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH,
                style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}),
            SystemField(expression='Page # %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
        borders = {'bottom': Line(stroke_color=red, stroke_width=3)}

    class band_page_footer(ReportBand):
        height = 0.5*cm
        elements = [
            Label(text='Created with Geraldo Reports', top=0.1*cm),
            SystemField(expression='Printed in %(now:%Y, %b %d)s at %(now:%H:%M)s', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
        borders = {'top': Line(stroke_color=navy)}

    class band_detail(ReportBand):
        height = 2*cm
        elements = [
            Label(text="Username", top=0, left=0, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14}),
            Label(text="Full name", top=1*cm, left=0.2*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
            Label(text="Superuser", top=1.5*cm, left=0.2*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
            ObjectValue(attribute_name='username', top=0, left=4*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica', 'fontSize': 14}),
            ObjectValue(attribute_name='get_full_name', top=1*cm, left=4*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica'}),
            ObjectValue(attribute_name='is_superuser', top=1.5*cm, left=4*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica'}),
        borders = {'bottom': Line(stroke_color=navy)}

    subreports = [
            queryset_string = '%(object)s.user_permissions.all()',
            band_header = ReportBand(
                        Label(text='ID', top=0.2*cm, left=0.2*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
                        Label(text='Name', top=0.2*cm, left=4*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
            band_detail = ReportBand(

                    # This is a new attribute to force the band width
                    width = 6*cm,

                    # This attribute forces a distance at right and bottom sides of the band
                    margin_right = 0.2*cm,
                    margin_bottom = 0.2*cm,

                    # With this attribute as True, the band will try to align in
                    # the same line
                    display_inline = True,

                        ObjectValue(attribute_name='id', top=0.1*cm, left=0.2*cm),
                        ObjectValue(attribute_name='name', top=0.7*cm, left=0.2*cm),
                    borders={'all': True},
            band_footer = ReportBand(
                        ObjectValue(attribute_name='id', top=0.2*cm, left=4*cm,\
                            action=FIELD_ACTION_COUNT, display_format='%s permissions found',
                            style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),

Generating PDF...

>>> queryset = User.objects.order_by('username')
>>> report = MasterReport(queryset=queryset)
>>> from geraldo.generators import PDFGenerator
>>> report.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename=os.path.join(cur_dir, 'output/inline-subreports-report.pdf'))

Generating Text...

>>> from geraldo.generators import TextGenerator
>>> report.generate_by(TextGenerator, filename=os.path.join(cur_dir,
...     'output/inline-subreports-report.txt'), to_printer=False, encode_to='latin-1')

The Result