Tutorial to say HelloΒΆ

Once you have Geraldo installed and its dependencies resolved (read the Installation document to know about the dependencies on ReportLab and Python Imaging Library), you must keep in mind Geraldo Reports isn’t dependent of any framework, neither a web or desktop paradigm, that means Geraldo just make reports and you do the rest by your favorite way.

Supposing we are working without an ORM or a persistency layer, nor an objects-oriented list with objects, the most simple and probably way we are using is a list of dictionaries, like below:

family = [
    {'name': 'Leticia', 'age': 29, 'weight': 55.7, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'parent'},
    {'name': 'Marinho', 'age': 28, 'weight': 76, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'parent'},
    {'name': 'Tarsila', 'age': 4, 'weight': 16.2, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'child'},
    {'name': 'Linus', 'age': 0, 'weight': 1.5, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'child'},
    {'name': 'Mychelle', 'age': 19, 'weight': 50, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'nephew'},
    {'name': 'Mychell', 'age': 17, 'weight': 55, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'niece'},

The dictionaries have common keys, like ‘name’ and ‘age’ that we want to show in a report, so, let’s do that!

Open a new file with the dictionaries list above and the imports below:

from geraldo import Report, ReportBand, DetailBand, SystemField, Label, ObjectValue
from geraldo.utils import cm

Actually, we could sum up the imported elements with short descriptions below:

  • Report - the main class of a report, that means you must start everything from this

class if you want to make a report.

  • ReportBand - each imaginary slice of a report is an instance of a band, if you are

used to HTML, you could see bands like divs.

  • DetailBand - is the especialized band class used as detail band of a report. The

detail band is the only one required and everything is “driven” by it. Each object of a given list will have an instance of this band showing in the report.

  • SystemField - is the widget used to show things like the current page number, the

current date, the report title, etc.

  • Label - is the widget used to show free text in a report.
  • ObjectValue - is the widget used to show object values and expressions.
  • cm - is the unit representing the metric “centimeter” you can use to define dimensions

and positions on the report.

Well, once we have the basic things clear, we can declare or first report class:

class MyFamilyReport(Report):
    class band_detail(DetailBand):
        height = 0.7*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='name', left=1.5*cm),
        borders = {'bottom': True}

The class above is enough to show a basic “hello world” example. The attribute ‘band_detail’ could be either a class or an instance, whatever, but the important is that it must be something based on a ReportBand, or better, a DetailBand.

Now, we want to generate the PDF file of this, of course. But, considering we could generate in TXT or others formats, there is a way to generate PDF files, the PDFGenerator, like below:

from geraldo.generators import PDFGenerator

my_report = MyFamilyReport(queryset=family)
my_report.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename='family.pdf')

Save and run the python script.


Good. Working. But as you know, this isn’t enough to write a good report, so, let’s add something to improve our report a little. Change the report class to be like below:

class MyFamilyReport(Report):
    title = 'My Family'

    class band_detail(DetailBand):
        height = 0.7*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='name', left=0.5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='age', left=5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='weight', left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'bottom': True}

    class band_page_header(ReportBand):
        height = 1.3*cm
        elements = [
            SystemField(expression='%(report_title)s', top=0.1*cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH,
                style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}),
            SystemField(expression=u'Page %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
            Label(text="Name", top=0.8*cm, left=0.5*cm),
            Label(text="Age", top=0.8*cm, left=5*cm),
            Label(text="Weight", top=0.8*cm, left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'all': True}

Change also the imports to be like this:

from geraldo import Report, ReportBand, DetailBand, SystemField, Label, ObjectValue
from geraldo.utils import cm, BAND_WIDTH, TA_CENTER, TA_RIGHT

Save and run the python script.


Wow! Now it’s better, but, what about the page footer? And totals? Ok... let’s go...

Change the class to be like below:

class MyFamilyReport(Report):
    title = 'My Family'

    class band_detail(DetailBand):
        height = 0.7*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='name', left=0.5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='age', left=5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='weight', left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'bottom': True}

    class band_page_header(ReportBand):
        height = 1.3*cm
        elements = [
            SystemField(expression='%(report_title)s', top=0.1*cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH,
                style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}),
            SystemField(expression=u'Page %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
            Label(text="Name", top=0.8*cm, left=0.5*cm),
            Label(text="Age", top=0.8*cm, left=5*cm),
            Label(text="Weight", top=0.8*cm, left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'all': True}

    class band_page_footer(ReportBand):
        height = 0.5*cm
        elements = [
            Label(text='Geraldo Reports', top=0.1*cm),
            SystemField(expression='Printed in %(now:%Y, %b %d)s at %(now:%H:%M)s', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
        borders = {'top': True}

    class band_summary(ReportBand):
        height = 0.5*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='avg(age)', left=5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='sum(weight)', left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'top': True}

Save and run the python script.

http://www.geraldoreports.org/media/examples/tuto-image-3.jpg http://www.geraldoreports.org/media/examples/tuto-image-4.jpg


Now, let’s group those people by their genre and status...

class MyFamilyReport(Report):
    title = 'My Family'

    class band_detail(DetailBand):
        height = 0.7*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='name', left=0.5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='age', left=5*cm),
            ObjectValue(expression='weight', left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'bottom': True}

    class band_page_header(ReportBand):
        height = 1.3*cm
        elements = [
            SystemField(expression='%(report_title)s', top=0.1*cm, left=0, width=BAND_WIDTH,
                style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold', 'fontSize': 14, 'alignment': TA_CENTER}),
            SystemField(expression=u'Page %(page_number)d of %(page_count)d', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
            Label(text="Name", top=0.8*cm, left=0.5*cm),
            Label(text="Age", top=0.8*cm, left=5*cm),
            Label(text="Weight", top=0.8*cm, left=6.5*cm),
        borders = {'all': True}

    class band_page_footer(ReportBand):
        height = 0.5*cm
        elements = [
            Label(text='Geraldo Reports', top=0.1*cm),
            SystemField(expression='Printed in %(now:%Y, %b %d)s at %(now:%H:%M)s', top=0.1*cm,
                width=BAND_WIDTH, style={'alignment': TA_RIGHT}),
        borders = {'top': True}

    class band_summary(ReportBand):
        height = 0.5*cm
        elements = [
            ObjectValue(expression='avg(age)', left=5*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
            ObjectValue(expression='sum(weight)', left=6.5*cm, style={'fontName': 'Helvetica-Bold'}),
        borders = {'top': True}

    groups = [
                    ObjectValue(expression='genre', style={'fontSize': 12})
                height = 0.5*cm,
                elements = [
                    ObjectValue(expression='avg(age)', left=5*cm),
                    ObjectValue(expression='sum(weight)', left=6.5*cm),
                borders = {'top': True},
                    ObjectValue(expression='status', style={'fontSize': 11}, left=0.2*cm)

And change also the imports to be like this:

from geraldo import Report, ReportBand, DetailBand, SystemField, Label, ObjectValue, ReportGroup
from geraldo.utils import cm, BAND_WIDTH, TA_CENTER, TA_RIGHT

Before save, you must sort list by genre and status, otherwise informations will be a little confuse. So, change the data lines to be like below:

family = [
    {'name': 'Leticia', 'age': 29, 'weight': 55.7, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'parent'},
    {'name': 'Marinho', 'age': 28, 'weight': 76, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'parent'},
    {'name': 'Tarsila', 'age': 4, 'weight': 16.2, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'child'},
    {'name': 'Linus', 'age': 0, 'weight': 1.5, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'child'},
    {'name': 'Mychelle', 'age': 19, 'weight': 50, 'genre': 'female', 'status': 'nephew'},
    {'name': 'Mychell', 'age': 17, 'weight': 55, 'genre': 'male', 'status': 'niece'},
family.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a['genre'], b['genre']) or cmp(a['status'], b['status']))

Save and run the python script.


Did you like? Well... this is a good start. Read the rest of docs and examples and good coding!