Generators Reference

Generators are classes to generate a report instance to some data format. In future we will have generators for XML, HTML, PS, images and so on.

PDF Generator

class geraldo.generators.PDFGenerator

Path: geraldo.generators.PDFGenerator

This generator is the most mature generator we have. It generates PDF files to be viewed on Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. It uses the awesome library ‘ReportLab’ to create them.


  • first_page_number - Default: 1

    Set a different number to this attribute if you want to start page counting from a customized number.

  • filename - Default: None

    You have to provide the filename you are creating, unless you provided the attribute ‘canvas’

  • canvas - Default: None

    New in version 0.3.5

    If you already have a canvas instantiated, you can provide it instead of ‘filename’ to generate this report inside. This is useful to generate many reports in the same PDF.

  • return_canvas - Default: False

    New in version 0.3.5

    If you set this to True, the file will not be saved and the generator will return the canvas to you to use as you want.

  • multiple_canvas - Default: False

    New in version 0.3.7

    This attribute has default value True if you have pyPDF library installed on your PYTHONPATH.

    It is useful to store canvas in a temporary directory and combine all in once when finished the generating. This helps to gain on memory consuming.

    You can find more about pyPDF on

  • temp_directory - Default: ‘/tmp/’

    Regarding to temporary saving files on report processing, this attribute can receive a string with directory path where save those files.

To use PDFGenerator you just do something like this:

>>> my_report_instance.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename='file.pdf')

In filename argument you can use a file path string or a file output object.


>>> fp = file('test.pdf', 'w')
>>> my_report_instance.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename=fp)
>>> resp = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
>>> my_report_instance.generate_by(PDFGenerator, filename=resp)

Text Generator

class geraldo.generators.TextGenerator

Path: geraldo.generators.TextGenerator

This generator is still in the development stage, but it already works well. It can be used to generate text files or to print to matrix printers.

You can use it exactly like you would use PDF generator, but this has some more features. When running ‘generate_by’ report method, you can inform the attribute ‘filename’ like you do in PDF, but you could also do some other things.


  • row_height - Default: 0.5*cm

    Should be the equivalent height of a row plus the space between rows. This is important to calculate how many rows a page has.

  • character_width - Default: 0.23*cm

    Should be the equivalent width of a character. This is important to calculate how many columns a page has.

  • to_printer - Default: True

    Is a boolean variable which you can set to generate a text to matrix printer or not. This controls whether escape characters will be in the output or not.

  • escape_set - Default: geraldo.generators.text.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SET

    Is a dictionary with equivalence table to escape codes. As far as we know, escape codes can vary depending on model or printer manufacturer (i.e. Epson, Lexmark, HP, etc.). This attribute is useful to support this. Default is ESC/P2 standard (Epson matrix printers)

  • filename - Default: None

    Is the file path you can optionally provide to save text to.

  • encode_to - Default: None

    Here you can provide the coding identifier to force Geraldo to encode the output string in. Example: ‘latin-1’

  • manual_escape_codes - Default: False

    A boolean variable that sets whether escape codes are manually provided or not.



>>> my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator, filename='file.txt')

Returning the output:

>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator)

Setting row height and/or column width:

>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator, row_height=0.7*cm, character_width=0.2*cm)

Forcing the generator to encode the output:

>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator, encode_to='latin-1')

Setting to be printed by a printer or not:

>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator, to_printer=False)

Setting a set of escape codes for printer (matrix printers work with escape codes set for special characters or to setup the output printing):

>>> from geraldo.generators.text import DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SET
>>> my_escape_set = DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SET.copy()
>>> my_escape_set['condensed'] = chr(15) + chr(17)
>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(TextGenerator, to_printer=True, escape_set=my_escape_set)

Forcing the output to print out escape codes before/after report or page print:

>>> MyTextGenerator(TextGenerator):
...     to_printer = True
...     manual_escape_codes = True
...     escapes_report_start = chr(15) # Sets condensed mode
...     escapes_report_end = chr(18) # Unsets condensed mode
...     escapes_page_start = chr(12) + chr(10) # Form and line feed
...     escapes_page_end = ''
>>> output = my_report_instance.generate_by(MyTextGenerator)

CSV Generator

class geraldo.generators.CSVGenerator

Path: geraldo.generators.CSVGenerator

This generator is still in the development stage, but it already works well. It just makes a CSV (comma separated values) file with details band ObjectValue elements, ordered by their left positions.


  • writer - Default: None

    If you want to customize the CSV writer, set this with an object with same methods that an instance that Python’s csv.writer returns.

  • writer_function - Default: csv.writer

    You can also set this attribute with a function that waits for a file object as its only argument and returns a writer instance.

  • first_row_with_column_names - Default: False

    To append a first row with column names, set this to True.